Sunday Mass begins at Saint Mary's Church |
As a liturgical church, our order of worship is a contemporary development of forms used since the ancient Christian Church. Throughout the service we often echo prayers or profess creeds which have been used by Christians back to the time of the earliest Christians.
Since those days, the proclamation of the Word of God and the partaking of Holy Communion has formed the core of Christian worship. In the Western Christian world, this service eventually picked up the name of Mass. The Mass is a time to reflect on both the life and teachings of Christ, as well as on his death and resurrection. It’s a time where we explore and give thanks for the work he’s doing in our lives too.
As a liturgical church, our order of worship is a contemporary development of forms used since the ancient Christian Church. Throughout the service we often echo prayers or profess creeds which have been used by Christians back to the time of the earliest Christians.
Since those days, the proclamation of the Word of God and the partaking of Holy Communion has formed the core of Christian worship. In the Western Christian world, this service eventually picked up the name of Mass. The Mass is a time to reflect on both the life and teachings of Christ, as well as on his death and resurrection. It’s a time where we explore and give thanks for the work he’s doing in our lives too.
Everyone is welcome in our celebration, no matter your beliefs or background.
What about Communion?
As Catholic Christians, receiving Holy Communion is a central part of our worship. We recognize, however, that this wonderful Sacrament has become a source of exclusion, pain, and division for many.
This exclusion is sometimes felt by our baptized brothers and sisters in Christ who sincerely believe in Jesus, but who cannot receive due to Church Law in some Christian denominations.
For others, the pain is realized in the context of mixed marriages between Catholics and other Christians (usually Protestants). As an American Catholic Community, Saint Mary's follows a different code of Church Law concerning the reception of Communion than some other Christian bodies do.
As you contemplate worshipping with us at Saint Mary's, consider the following questions:
- Am I a baptized Christian?
- Am I sorry for my sins?
- Am I seeking to live a life that honors God?
- Have I been admitted to Communion in my home Church?
- Do I believe that Christ is present, as he promised, in Holy Communion?
If you can answer these questions with an honest YES, we would be privileged to have you join us at the Table of the Lord and receive Communion. You don't need to be perfect. Your desire to conform your life more fully to the pattern of Jesus is what is key, because it is Jesus, and not our own goodness or works, which redeems us and brings us into closer communion with the Father. Even the desire to draw closer to God is a gift from God!
We understand that some individuals will be unable to honestly say yes to the questions posed above. As we said before, people of all beliefs and backgrounds - including those struggling with their faith, who have questions, who are uncertain - are welcome here. Even if you are unable to join us at the Lord's Table, our worship experience is an open invitation from God to draw close to him through his Son. Please feel free to remain seated in prayer during Communion, or to come forward in the communion line to the priest. If you cross your arms and bow your head, he will offer a prayer of blessing over you. The choice is yours.
Our parish priest is available to you before Mass to discuss your questions about receiving Communion. If a serious sin has kept you away from the Table, and weighs heavy on your conscience, please feel welcome to contact our pastor to arrange a time to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Likewise, if you have been away from active participation in the Church for some time, you may also wish to consider making a Reaffirmation of Faith. Our pastor can discuss this with you as well.