Today, my brothers and sisters, we enter into the Paschal
Triduum, and we enter that celebration with this solemn memorial of the
institution of the Lord’s Supper. Holy Thursday also bears with it many other
theological significances. All of them are very important… and yet today, all
of them are irrelevant.
On the night before Jesus dies, as he prepares for a final
meal with his disciples, he stoops down to wash the feet of those who have
gathered with him in the Upper Room. In this act of unabashed humility, Jesus
demonstrates in a profoundly personal way what his mission on earth is all
On the eve of the ultimate confrontation between good and
evil, between hope and sorrow, between death and life, Jesus Christ demonstrates
that everything he does is pervaded by a love that knows no bounds. None.
The Creator Word and God of Majesty stoops down with
pitcher, basin, and towel to wash the dirty, gnarly feet of his disciples;
because for God, nothing is more important that showing that he will go to any
length to bridge the chasm that exists between him and his creation by virtue
of the fall of Adam and Eve.
In the face of the hatred, cruelty, sinfulness, and
brokenness of the world, the Jewish leadership, the Roman occupiers, and yes,
even in the face of the Devil himself, Jesus ministers simple service and love
and demonstrates them as the means to overcome every obstacle that would stand
in the way of a new and eternal life with him.
What more is there to say?
What more needs to be said?
If perfect love casts out fear, then the image of Christ
washing the feet of his disciples in one final, personal, quiet act of loving
service to his disciples… his closest friends… and even his betrayer! should cast our own fears as far away from
our minds as the Father casts our sins from us.
The Foot Washing… simple service in the face of unrelenting
Let us listen.
Let us learn.