Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our First Sunday

Launch Sunday has come and gone, and we are deeply thankful to all of those who have been in prayer for our launch. We know that planting a Church will take time, energy, and concerted effort, but it is always good to get past the hurdle of that first 'official' day. The day could not have been more beautiful outdoors, and the message from Scripture more timely for the gathered assembly. Please continue to pray for us as we move forward in this endeavor, and enjoy the following photos from our first Sunday!

Father Rob and the altar servers prepare for the procession
The Procession
  Father Rob greets the assembly as Mass begins.
Greeting the Assembly
Proclaiming the Gospel

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Message from our Bishop

Bishop Todd BellA birth is one of the most exciting things in life and this is one of those things that transcends the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. As the Presiding Bishop of the Communion of International Catholic Communities, I am excited beyond words to welcome Saint Mary's Church as a new community of faith.
Although Fr. Rob has been in ministry for years, this coming Sunday, September 10, 2017, he will bring into the world this new parish within the communion. It is with great joy that we celebrate our newest church and I welcome all who will come to call Saint Mary's their spiritual home.
I look forward to my visits there and will be keeping you in my prayers.
Peace and Blessings, 
Bishop Todd Bell